
eMedicalRecs.com medical records practice management software patient office web based health doctor tratment insaurance Affiliate Program

Terms and conditions:
  1. The Affiliate has a website where to place a banner ad of eMedicalRecs.com and earn a commission from all sales generated from such banner.
  2. The Affiliate Site will get a commission only if a visitor coming from it's site make a purchase from eMedicalRecs.com.
    However, it is not necessary that the visitor make it's purchase in the first visit. Through the use of "cookies" we will determine who recommended that visitor.
  3. We will not consider a purchase complete until eMedicalRecs.com has received the payment for the services ordered.
  4. A customer will be considered referred from an Affiliate when he or she visits eMedicalRecs.com for the first time by clicking on a banner ad placed on such Affiliated website.
  5. You and eMedicalRecs.com are independent contractors and nothing in this agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representation or employment relationship between the parties.
  6. The way we check which Affiliate sent a visitor is through the form that the visitor fills out when he or she requests a trial account or comfirm a full account. Then, when the user confirm the paid account and eMedicalRecs.com receives the payment for that order, the statistics page is updated automatically and shows the commission earned by the Affiliate.
  7. eMedicalRecs.com will pay a 30% commission to the Affiliate for every account sold at eMedicalRecs.com to a visitor referred from it's site. This percentage may be changed by eMedicalRecs.com at any time at it's own criteria. Any other payment made by the customer, excluding the regular service fee, will not be included in the affiliate commissions.
    Each time the customer renews it's account, the affiliate will receive a 30%.
  8. The Affiliate may only refer visitors to eMedicalRecs.com through the provided banner ads placed on it's site or by texts or pages writen by him.
  9. All commissions are paid monthly with 45 days turnaround. For example, if a visitor places an order on March 20th, the Affiliate will get it's commission on or before May 15th.
  10. If a customer cancels the order or requests a refund to eMedicalRecs.com, the Affiliate will not receive a commission.
  11. Payments are made either by a company check mailed via USPS, or by Western Union (in this case, commissions for transferring the funds will be due from the affiliate commissions)
  12. The decision to approve or decline any application from a website to become an Affiliate will be at the criteria of eMedicalRecs.com.
  13. eMedicalRecs.com can remove an Affiliate from it's program if it considers that such website is doing a campaign that affects eMedicalRecs.com honor and reputation. In such case, the Affiliate website will have to remove all banners or references to eMedicalRecs.com and all commissions earned will not be paid.
  14. eComputerDesks.co can also remove any website from it's program if it considers that such website it's not convenient for eMedicalRecs.com commercial purposes. In this case, the Affiliate will be paid all commissions earned until the cancellation take effect.
  15. eMedicalRecs.com will offer to it's Affiliate Websites all support needed regarding this program.
  16. eMedicalRecs.com has the right of change the Terms and Conditions without previous notice, by publishing them on it's site.

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eMedicalRecs is a web based medical practice management software,
for doctors, clinics, medical offices, medical records.