
eMedicalRecs.com medical records practice management software patient office web based health doctor tratment insaurance Affiliate Program


What is an Affiliate Program?

Is a simple method commonly used in internet where an owner of a website can make some extra money by simply referring customers to another website.
This can be done either by placing a banner ad or a text recommending your visitors to purchase a determined product or service.
Also gives extra content to the Affiliate site giving to it's visitors a place to find more information of products or services related to it's own activity.

What do I need to become an Affiliate?

You need to have a health/medicine website.

Once I completed the application am I already an Affiliate?

No, we will visit your website and send you a comfirmation e-mail, usually within 24-48 hs.

What is the first thing I have to do once I become an Affiliate?

You will have to visit the page on the link provided on our e-mail or the Login page in our site, enter your user ID and password, and you have to choose from all available banners and their codes in order to place them on your site.
Once you do this, you will start registering all visitors coming from your site.

How do you calculate commissions?

If a visitor coming from your website places an order in eMedicalRecs.com within 30 days, you will get a 10% commission. In addition, each time the user renews it's account, you will receive a 10% for each payment.

How do you know where visitors come from?

When the visitor comfirm the order or sign up for a trial account we register what site recommended him and asign the commission to that site.

What happens if a visitor returns to eMedicalRecs.com a few days later after visiting your site by clicking on a banner placed on my site?

With a "cookies" mechanism our system will detect that this visitor was referred by your site in another opportunity when he or she registers.

What if the visitor does not accept "cookies"

Most internet users have their browsers set up to receive "cookies". In addition, from your affiliate control panel, you can choose a special code that redirects the user to the demo account request page. In this case there is not necessary to have cookies enabled.

Can I be discontinued from the Program?

Yes, simply send us an e-mail notifying us so.

How often do you pay commissions?

Our commissions are paid monthly, within the first 15 days of the following second month where the commissions were earned.

What are the payment methods available?

Payments are made either by a company check and mailed via USPS, or by Western Union (in this case, commissions for transferring the funds will be due from the affiliate commissions)

Is there any limit on the monthly commissions earned?

No, but if you have a commission payment for this month and you rather get it on the following month, you can do it.

How can I contact you if I have any more questions?

Please, feel free to contact us. Write your message here

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eMedicalRecs is a web based medical practice management software,
for doctors, clinics, medical offices, medical records.